Clothing Drive

Saturday March 22nd from 5:30-7:30 is our CityStudents STORM event!

This is a great opportunity for Students in the Yuba-Sutter community to hear the Gospel!

We are in need of volunteers to serve from 4-7:45pm in a variety of roles from drivers, to serving food, to running games and more, click the button below to sign up.


Our next baptisms will be on Sunday, March 30th!

Are you interested in going public with your faith through baptism?

Let us know and we’ll walk you through the process.

worship night 🔥

Worship Night is Sunday, March 23rd, at 6:30 pm in Edgewater!

Join us at Edgewater Elementary for a time of worship and prayer as a church and a dessert pot luck after!

5715 Oakwood Dr, Marysville, CA 95901


CityGroups are where real connections happen, and we’ve expanded again with new groups and options for you to jump in.

Our Spring Term runs from February 9th to May 31st, so if you’ve been curious or thinking about joining a CityGroup, this is your moment!

Young Adult main Event

Young Adult Main Event happens every Tuesday !

Tuesday March 11th at 7:00 PM is the next one :)

To stay in the loop follow Citywalk Young Adults on Instagram and join our GroupMe chat

 citystudents game night

Students from 6th through 12th grade—join us for a night of food, fun, and games at the church!

Saturday, March 8th, from 4:30-7 pm in the Yuba City Campus fellowship hall.

Super Smash Bros & Mario Kart tournaments with cash prizes, plus board games, puzzles, and pizza (including gluten/dairy-free options).

$10 per student. Register today!


MDWK is our “midweek” program for everyone and happens at the Yuba City Campus (1460 Richland Road) each Wednesday at 6:30 pm!

CityKids (ages 4 through 11) gather in the Chapel

CityStudents (ages 12 through 18) gather in the Main Auditorium
👉 Parents, join our CityStudents GroupMe chat here 👈

CityClasses for adults meets in the Fellowship Hall and Classrooms through February 5th.

👋 CityGroups will resume February 9th through May 31st.

Serve in Citykids!

Our CityKids program is looking for BridgeBuilders to serve as Teachers and Small Group Leaders.

Interested? Let us know today!

Spiritual Gifts Test

Curious what your spiritual gifts might be?