Unstoppable: Acts 7
1. What’s something you used to believe as a child (like Santa or the Tooth Fairy) that you later found out wasn’t true? How did you react when you learned the truth?
2. Read Hebrews 11:8-10 as a group. It describes Abraham’s faith in leaving his home without knowing where he was going. How does what Abraham did compare to moments in your life when you’ve had to trust God without knowing the full picture?
3. In Acts 7, along with Abraham, Stephen recounts the faith of Joseph and Moses. What stands out to you about their trust in God, even when they didn’t fully understand His plan?
4. Read James 1:6-8 as a group. One of the lies the enemy promotes when it comes to believing God is that you can stay in the middle. What does James say about this?
5. Read Acts 7:60 and Matthew 5:44 as a group? How does Stephen’s response and Jesus’ word challenge us when it comes to those who have wronged us?
Bonus for personal reflection: If someone followed you for a week or two, what would your life reveal about what you truly believe? What areas of your life do you feel challenged to bring into greater alignment with your faith?