Citygroup Questions

Hot Seat

  1. Are you afraid of heights? Share with the group a time when you felt afraid because of being up high.

  2. Why do you think the evil one tries to get us to doubt that our salvation is secure?

  3. Read Ephesians 2:8-9 as a group. Why is it important that salvation is a gift and not something we earn? How does this relate to the assurance of salvation?

  4. Read Romans 8:38-39 as a group. According to this passage, what can separate us from God's love? How does this give you confidence in your relationship with Him?

  5. What can you do this week to live with greater confidence in your relationship with God?  

Citygroup Questions

Hot Seat

1.   Growing up, how were you taught to make big decisions in life?

2.   Read Ephesians 5:15-17 together as a group. What clear directives does this passage give the reader?

3.   How does being careful how we walk impact our understanding of God’s will and our ability to take advantage of opportunities?

4.   Pastor Chris mentioned 4 questions we should ask ourselves when deciding something. Take a minute to talk through why each question is important in the process.

o   Do I have a relationship with God?

o   Is there any known sin in my life? 

o   Am I listening to God by spending regular in his Word?

o   Have I sought wise counsel?

5.     Proverbs 3:5-6 talks about trusting God over our own understanding. Finish your group by discussing times when God has directed your path in the past.

Citygroup Questions

Hot Seat

  1. Why do you think people get so intense when it comes to their political beliefs? How can this be unhealthy for a follower of Christ?

  2. At some point, we have all put our faith in a man or a system and been let down. What can we learn from these types of situations?

  3. Read Hebrews 11:23-27 as a group. How did Moses’s perspective of God and his plan impact Moses’s decisions?

  4. Read Hebrews 12:2 as a group. In this passage Jesus is described as the “pioneer and perfecter” of our faith. How does fixing our eyes on Jesus help us navigate political discussions with love and grace?

  5. The scriptures encourage us to pray for those in authority. What are some specific things we can pray about for our government officials this week?

Citygroup Questions

Jonah (Yuba City)

  1. Come up with a few things that distract people in our society today. If you have a short story to share about it, please do.

  2. Read aloud Proverbs 13:10 in a few different translations. Do you believe this is really true? Why?

  3. What does Hebrews 12:15 say bitterness threatens to do? Where do you see this happening in the story of Jonah? How can your CityGroup help people today with this?

  4. Jonah was angry at the Ninevites and God. Are there people in your life who anger you? Why do they anger you?

  5. What are the things we miss out on if we lose our perspective because of pride and anger? Take time to pray with one another so we can keep our perspective where God wants it.

Citygroup Questions


1.     Pastor Chris mentioned being frustrated at his cat Harrison. Have you ever been frustrated with a pet? If so, share the story with your group.

2.     Jonah was angry with God’s grace toward Nineveh. Can you recall a time when you struggled with God’s actions, maybe feeling like Jonah did?


3.     Read Jonah 4:6-11 as a group. What was God using the plant to remind Jonah of? How does this lesson relate to our lives today?


4.     The book of Jonah ends abruptly without telling us if Jonah ever regained the right perspective. If he continued to carry bitterness in his heart, how do you think it impacted the rest of his life?


5.     One of the ways we keep the right perspective is by using our life to serve others. Why do you think this is true? Share some examples of how serving others impacted you and your perspective.  

Citygroup Questions


1.     Can you remember a time when something you weren’t looking forward to went better than you expected? Share with the group.

2.     Read Jonah 3:1-3 as a group. What does this passage tell us about God? How should that knowledge impact our lives?

3.     Like Nineveh, God cares for cities because they are full of people who need him. What city/cities come to mind when you think about spiritual needs? What are a few specific ways we can pray for those cities?

4.     After Jonah gave God’s message to the people of Nineveh they responded by repenting of there evil. Read Psalm 51:1-5 & 16&17 as a group. What do we learn from this passage about repentance in David’s life?

5.     Like he did with Jonah, God invites us into his work on earth. How can we pray specifically for each other so that we don’t miss what God invites us to be a part of?

Citygroup Questions


1.     Jonah found himself in a tough spot and as a result learned some important truths. Share with the group a time you faced a challenge and something you learned from it.

2.     Read Jonah 2:7-10 as a group. How does recognizing our own responsibility in tough situations help us find clarity and turn back to God?

3.     Compare Jonah’s prayer of distress with David’s cry for help in Psalm 34:17-18. What similarities do you see in how they both turned to God in their moments of need?

4.     Like Jonah, we sometimes find ourselves putting hope in things that cannot save us (Jonah 2:8). What are some "worthless idols" in today’s world that people tend to cling to? How can we identify and turn from these?

5.     In chapter 2 we are reminded that God will not leave and that he is listening. How should that practically impact our life the rest of this week?

Citygroup Questions


1. As a kid how did you answer the question “What do you want to be when you grow up”?

2. Why do you think Jonah chose to run from God’s call to go to Nineveh? What are ways we “run from God” even if we don’t physically flee like Jonah did?

3. Read Psalm 139:7-10 together as a group. How does this truth relate to Jonah’s attempt to flee from the Lord? How should this truth impact our response to God’s direction?

4. God sent a storm to get Jonah’s attention. Do you think God allows difficulties in our lives for a similar reason? Can you share an experience where a challenging situation led to growth or change?

5. Though we haven’t been asked to go to Nineveh, we have been given the responsibility of sharing the good news about Jesus. Who is one person in your life we can pray for that needs to hear about Jesus?

Citygroup Questions

All in

  1. What is your favorite part of the fall season?

  2. Pastor Chris asked the question: “What is church to you?” How do you think people who are not connected to a church would answer that question?

  3. How has your view of the church evolved over time?

  4. Read Acts 2:42-47 as a group. What stands out to you about the priorities of the early church in this passage?

  5. On Sunday we asked the question “What is your next step to being All In?” How does answering this question benefit you personally? How does it impact the mission?

Citygroup Questions

All in

1. Think back to your early years as a kid, what was the first thing you can remember being "ALL IN" with?

2. Let's read Matthew 16:24. Jesus says, "If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." What do you think "denying yourself" looks like in our everyday lives today?

3. Let's read Luke 5:8-11. What stands out to you about the choice made in this passage? What challenges or sacrifices might they have faced? How do those compare to what we experience when we commit to following Jesus?

4. What is one area of your life where you feel God is calling you to go "ALL IN" but you’ve been holding back? What steps could you take this week to fully surrender that part of your life to Him?

5. Close out by praying and asking God to give your group members, and all of Citywalk Church, the courage and faith necessary to take the next best step that he's asking us to take in reference of being "ALL IN"

At Home Discussion


1. How does someone’s view of God impact their prayers? Based on Luke 11:2, how does Jesus invite us to view God?

2. Read James 5:16-18. What does this passage say to us about prayer?

3. What is one area you need to pray persistently for?

citygroup discussion notes


  1. Why do you think stories help us remember important lessons or truths? Can you share a story that has impacted your life?

  2. Jesus used parables to teach spiritual truths. Why do you think He chose to use stories instead of just giving direct instructions?

  3. How do you currently view the resources you have like time, money, and talents? Do you see them as yours or God’s? How does that perspective affect how you use them?

  4. Read Matthew 6:19-21 as a group. How does this passage challenge us to think about where we are investing our time, money, and energy?

  5. Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 together as a group. How does this passage encourage us to think about generosity and giving? In what ways can we practice being a cheerful giver in our daily life?

citygroup discussion notes


1. What’s one thing you’d like to be known for? (For example: a role, trait, passion, or achievement.)

2. Identify 3-5 lies the devil likes to use against Christians. What are 3-5 truths we can use to combat those lies?

3. Re-read Ephesians 6:18-20. How does praying help in the spiritual battle? Share a season when you prayed a lot. What made you pray so much?

4. Who is one person your whole group can pray for because they’re going through a spiritual battle? Take a moment to pray right now.

citygroup discussion notes


1. What’s one thing you’d like to be known for? (For example: a role, trait, passion, or achievement.)

2. Identify 3-5 lies the devil likes to use against Christians. What are 3-5 truths we can use to combat those lies?

3. Re-read Ephesians 6:18-20. How does praying help in the spiritual battle? Share a season when you prayed a lot. What made you pray so much?

4. Re-read Ephesians 6:21-24. Focus on Tychicus and talk about why he was a “faithful” servant of God. When you hear the word “faithful” who comes to mind? Why?

5. Who is one person your whole group can pray for because they’re going through a spiritual battle? Take a moment to pray right now.

citygroup discussion notes


  1. We are just over half way through 2024. What is something you are looking forward to doing or accomplishing before the end of the year?

  2. Read Ephesians 5:21 as a group. What does Paul say our motive should be for submitting to one another? Why is this challenging for us?

  3. How has our society hijacked the idea of submission in our relationships?

  4. Read Philippians 2:5-9 as a group. How did Jesus model humility and submission? What is one practical way we can follow his example in our relationships?

  5. Reflecting on the statement "Intimacy with God lays the foundation for healthy relationships with others." What step can you take to pursue intimacy with God this week?

citygroup discussion notes


1. Who did you imitate when you were younger? 

2. What are the challenges in avoiding immoral behaviors in our modern culture? How do we live morally according to God’s word?

3. Read Ephesians 5:15-16. What does it look like to walk in wisdom and make the best use of our time?

4. How should living like our Heavenly Father impact our relationships?

5. The calling of our life is to imitate God. What is one thing you can do this week to look more like your Heavenly Father?

citygroup discussion notes



1. Open Facebook to the memories section and share with your group a favorite memory you have on today’s date.

If you don’t have Facebook choose a picture from your phone that is a favorite memory.

2. Read Ephesians 4:17-18. What are some characteristics about darkness in general? How does this relate to people in general or maybe yourself before following Jesus?

3. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17 which Paul also wrote. What does the scripture say happens when a person believes the Gospel and follows Jesus?

4. In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians he points out the process of putting off, renewing our mind with truth, and Putting on. What is the importance of each step? What is the danger of shortchanging the process? (for instance, what if I put on without putting off)

5. As a group, choose an area that many people struggle with and walk through the process.

What does it look like to put off?

What lie am I believing and what truth will I replace it with?

What does it look like to put on?

citygroup discussion notes

Ephesians part 1


1.     When in your life have you been surprised with something good?

2.     One of the challenges we face is not taking advantage of all we have because of our relationship with God? Why is that?

3.     Read Ephesians 1:3-6 as a group. What does this passage say we were adopted/chose for? Why is this so special?

4.     Read Ephesians 1:13-14 and John 15:26 as a group. What are a few things these passages tell us about the role of the Holy Spirit in our life?

5. What is one practical way you can remind yourself this week of the spiritual blessings you have because of your relationship with God?

citygroup discussion notes

Psalm 51


1.     What are you looking forward to doing most this summer?

2.     In 2 Samuel 11 we find David at the palace instead of leading in the battlefield. How might this have contributed to the sinful decisions he made over the next few days? How might this apply to our life?

3.     After David committed adultery he tried to hide his sin. What lie or lies are we believing when we try to hide our sin?

4.     Look up James 4:6 in the Bible Hub app and read it together.  Towards the bottom of the page in the app investigate with your group the meaning of the phrases Opposes the Proud and Gives Grace to the Humble.

5.     What are the benefits of owning our sin and dealing with it in a way that honors God?

Pray: Lord may we never believe the lie that our sin is greater than your grace. May we live from a heart posture of humility.

citygroup discussion notes

Psalm 136


1. Has there ever been a time when in the moment you couldn’t see God but after looking back you see that his steadfast love endured?

2.      Read Hebrews 12:1-2. How does reviewing what God has done in the past give us hope in the future?

3.      Read Romans 5:3-5. How do these verses connect with Psalm 136 and what does it mean for our lives?

4.      Take a couple of minutes and fill in the blank: God did _______ in my life, for his steadfast love endures forever. 

5.      What area can we as a group pray for where you need God’s steadfast love?

citygroup discussion notes

Psalm 23


1.     Sunday Pastor Chris talked about the characteristics of a sheep. Out of all the animals in the world which is your favorite? Why do you like that type of animal?

2.     Why is it so hard to admit our weaknesses and need for help in our own life? What is the harm if we don’t?

3.     What are other sources outside of God that people look to for guidance from in their life?

4.     Read John 10:7-11 together. How does John describe the differences between a thief and a shepherd?

5.     What is one of the areas in your life that you need to trust the good shepherd with?

Pray for each other to listen to the voice and follow the guidance of the good shepherd.

citygroup discussion notes

Psalm 136


1. Has there ever been a time when in the moment you couldn’t see God but after looking back you see that his steadfast love endured?

2.      Read Hebrews 12:1-2. How does reviewing what God has done in the past give us hope in the future?

3.      Read Romans 5:3-5. How do these verses connect with Psalm 136 and what does it mean for our lives?

4.      Take a couple of minutes and fill in the blank: God did _______ in my life, for his steadfast love endures forever. 

5.      What area can we as a group pray for where you need God’s steadfast love?

citygroup discussion notes

Psalm 23


1.     Sunday Pastor Chris talked about the characteristics of a sheep. Out of all the animals in the world which is your favorite? Why do you like that type of animal?

2.     Why is it so hard to admit our weaknesses and need for help in our own life? What is the harm if we don’t?

3.     What are other sources outside of God that people look to for guidance from in their life?

4.     Read John 10:7-11 together. How does John describe the differences between a thief and a shepherd?

5.     What is one of the areas in your life that you need to trust the good shepherd with?

Pray for each other to listen to the voice and follow the guidance of the good shepherd.

citygroup discussion notes

Psalm 37


1.     Josh mentioned how one of his favorite things about this time of year growing up was going to Red Sox games, what is one thing you look forward to in the Spring?

2.     Everyone of us faces frustration, worries, and disappointment in our life. What is your natural response to these things in your life?

3.     Read Psalms 37:1-2. How should these verses inform our perspective in life? What is the harm if we don’t allow them to inform our perspective?

4.     Read Psalms 37:3-5 which was written by David then read Proverbs 3:5-6 which was written by his son Solomon. What similarities do you see in these passages? What is one way we could apply these verses in our life?

5.     One of the most practical ways that we can trust God is through prayer. What are some of the reasons that we don’t pray like we should? If you were to set aside time each day to devote to prayer what would the best time be?

citygroup discussion notes

Psalm 37


  1. Chris mentioned how one of his favorite things about this time of year is baseball? What is one thing you look forward to in the Spring?

  2. Everyone of us faces frustration, worries, and disappointment in our life. What is your natural response to these things in your life?

  3. Read Psalms 37:1-2. How should these verses inform our perspective in life? What is the harm if we don’t allow them to inform our perspective?

  4.  Read Psalms 37:3-5 which was written by David then read Proverbs 3:5-6 which was written by his son Solomon. What similarities do you see in these passages? What is one way we could apply these verses in our life?

  5. One of the most practical ways that we can trust God is through prayer. What are some of the reasons we don’t pray like we should? If you were to set aside time each day to devote to prayer what would the best time be?

citygroup discussion notes

Winning the war in your mind


1.     Pastor Josh mentioned some decades of music at the beginning of his message. Share with the group what are some of your favorite bands from your favorite era.

2.     Are you the type of person that tends to make decisions quick or do you take more time to think through them?

3.     Read James 1:5-8 as a group. As you think about your process for making decisions where does God usually fit in?

4.     What does James say we must have if we are going to ask God for wisdom? Why is this important?

5.     How does leaning into God’s wisdom lead to stability in your thinking and life? Share with your group some personal examples.

citygroup discussion notes

Winning the war in your mind


  1. Pastor Chris mentioned some music choices at the beginning of his message. Share with the group what are some of your favorite songs on your current play list.

  2. Are you the type of person that tends to make decisions quick or do you take more time to think through them?

  3. Read James 1:5-8 as a group. As you think about your process for making decisions where does God usually fit in?

  4. What does James say we must have if we are going to ask God for wisdom? Why is this important?

  5. How does leaning into God’s wisdom lead to stability in your thinking and life? Share with your group some personal examples.


citygroup discussion notes

Winning the war in your mind


  1. Matt mentioned how the ways we grow up shapes our perspective. Share with the group some of the ways your family impacted the way you look at life.

  2. Read Philippians 1:12-14 as a group. What stands out to you about how Paul framed his circumstances?

  3. How would looking at life through the frame of God’s work in the world (John 3:16) change the way you see and interact with people?

  4. What are some ways you could start reframing circumstances in your life?

citygroup discussion notes

Winning the war in your mind


  1. On Sunday, Pastor Chris mentioned how much he likes donut.s What is the best dessert you have ever eaten?

  2. We all struggle with wrong thinking at times. How have you seen wrong thinking affect your life in the past?

  3. When you begin to struggle with your thinking who or what do you naturally turn to? How would turning to God first help you?

  4. Read Psalm 19:7-9 and Philippians 4:8-9 as a group. How is what David said in Psalms similar to what Paul wrote in Philippians?

  5. What are some of the lies you are tempted to believe in your life now? What practical steps can you take this week to remove lies and replace them with truth?

citygroup discussion notes

Safe Spaces

Part 3: The Disciples


1. As a child what was one thing you remember being afraid of?

2. What are some of the ways people in our world deal with fear in their life?

3. What are things that even as adults we fear whether we admit it or not?

4. Read Hebrews 12:1-3 together as a group. What sin is the writer referring to in verse 1? (Hint: Subject of chapter 11) What are 3 things the writer of Hebrews tells us to do that could help with our fear?

5. What is one step you can take this week to have victory when you begin to battle with fear?

citygroup discussion notes

Safe Spaces

Part 2: Nicodemus


  1. Pastor Chris mentioned a teacher he had that he was afraid to ask a question. Who was your favorite teacher growing up? What made them your favorite?

  2. As you think about your upbringing, did you see the church as a safe place to ask questions? Why or why not?

  3. Outside of John 3 we see Nicodemus mentioned in a couple other passages. Read John 7:50-51 & John 19:38-40 as a group. Based on these passages, what can we gather about Nicodemus’s spiritual journey?

  4. Why is pointing someone to the truth of God an important element of creating a safe place for people to ask questions?

  5. Who has given you truth and been a safe place for you on your spiritual journey?

citygroup discussion notes

Safe Spaces

Part 1: Woman at the Well


  1. Matt mentioned how he had some poor experiences in the past from Christians who acted more like judges than shepherds. Does anyone have a similar experience? And how did that experience make you feel?

  2. The tagline of the message and this series is, "Jesus creates safe spaces for us, and we are to create safe spaces for others." What are some personal ways that you've experienced Jesus creating a safe space for you, and what are practical ways that we can create safe spaces for those in our family, on our jobs, and in our community?

  3. Read John 4:1-9 as a group. Reflecting on Jesus' interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well, what do you think his decision to engage with her despite cultural and religious barriers teaches us about the inclusivity of God's love and message of salvation?

  4. Read John 4:13-18 as a group. Jesus describes the water he offers as leading to eternal life. How does this promise of living water encourage or challenge us personally in our daily lives? What does it look like for us to pursue this living water?

  5. Matt mentioned that sometimes in order to receive God's best, we have to recognize what is in the way. What are things that are keeping you from receiving God's best that we can pray about as a group? 

citygroup discussion notes

WHo we are

Part 6: Jesus


  1. Pastor Chris mentioned how areas of our country and world are different. Whether it was another part of America or the world, what differences have you seen and experienced during travel?

  2. Why do you think churches move away from Jesus as their lead story? What are some of the other things that take priority?

  3. Read 1 Cor. 2:1-5 as a group. What stands out to you in this passage? What can we learn from Paul that will help us keep Jesus our focus?

  4. Read 2 Cor. 5:17-21. This passage talks about Jesus reconciling the world to God. What does the word reconcile mean in this context?

  5. What role does the writer of 2 Corinthians say we have as those who have been reconciled? How might being faithful in our role help us keep Jesus the lead story in our life?

Bonus: If you are looking for a tool to help you get to know Jesus better. Check out the Who is Jesus reading plan that Pastor Chris recommended.     

citygroup discussion notes

WHo we are

Part 5: Generosity


  1. Pastor Chris mentioned an example of generosity that he had seen. Can you remember a time when you saw generosity on display? If so, share with the group.

  2. Other than money, what are some other resources we have that we can be generous with. What are some of the obstacles to being generous with these other resources?

  3. Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-20 as a group. What does this passage say about Christ’s body and our part in it?

  4. Read 1 Peter 4:10-11 as a group. What does Peter tell us about spiritual gifts?

  5. Outside of what He did for us on the cross, how did Jesus’ display generosity in His life? What is one way we can display generosity this week?

Bonus: If you have not taken the spiritual gift survey and would like to, go to If time allows discuss your results in your group.

citygroup discussion notes

WHo we are

Part 4: Clarity


  1. Can you remember a time you wanted something and as a result worked hard to remove the barriers in your way from getting it?

  2. What unnecessary barriers, either in your personal experiences or in others' stories, have kept people from connecting with Jesus and the church?

  3. Read John 3:16-21 as a group. Pastor Chris mentioned that truth was a necessary barrier that we cannot remove. What are some of the truths in this passage that we cannot remove even if they might not be popular.  

  4. Read John 1:14 together. What do you think it means to be full of grace and truth?

  5. What is one thing you can I do to remove unnecessary barriers to people connecting with Jesus?

  6. Close your time praying for our Edgewater Launch team and the people that are in that area that don’t know Jesus.  

citygroup discussion notes

WHo we are

Part 3: Truth


  1. Pastor Chris mentioned how words are powerful and important. Share with the group a time when someone used words to encourage you.

  2. What are some of the loudest voices in our society that people lean into for direction?

  3. Read Psalms 119:9-16 as a group. What does this passage say about God’s Word?

  4. Read 1 Peter 2:1-2. What insight do these verses give us that will help us make God’s Word a priority in our life?

  5. Pastor Chris challenged us to take the next 21 days and limit our social media to 10 minutes, spend 15 minutes in God’s Word (Luke), and discuss what we are reading with one person a week. Is that something we can commit to? Close praying for each other in this area.

citygroup discussion notes

WHAT DID jesus say about



  1. Have you attended a special family event this past year? If so, what was it, and what made it special?

  2. If you were to ask people in our area, “what is the secret to a healthy marriage?” what are some of the answers you think you would get?

  3. Read Genesis 1:26-28 as a group. What does it mean that God made people in his image? How should this impact how we view and treat others?

  4. Read Matthew 19:5-6 as a group. What do we learn about Jesus’ view of marriage from these verses?

  5. Marriage was initiated by God and is a good thing but is not always easy. What is one practical way we can encourage married couples in our church?

citygroup discussion notes

WHAT DID jesus say about



  1. What are some situations in your life when you were glad you didn’t get what you deserved?

  2. Look briefly at Luke 15:1-2. Who was in the crowd as Jesus shared several short parables? Why do you think these types of people were listening to Jesus?

  3. Read Luke 15:3-7. What do we learn about God that we also see in the story of the prodigal son?

  4. The prodigal son wasted money on sinful living while the older son worked hard and seemed to follow the rules. Read Luke 15:28-30 as a group. What was the older son’s response to the younger son coming home?

  5. What is one thing we can learn from the younger son and the older son?

citygroup discussion notes

WHAT DID jesus say about



  1. When you were a kid, if you were given money did you save or spend it quickly? If you were a spender, what did you like to buy?

  2. Read Matthew 6:19-21 as a group. What are some ways we can be tempted to store up treasures here on earth? Why do we do this?

  3. Based on verse 21, Chris said, “our heart and money follow each other.” What does that mean, and how have you seen this play out in your life?

  4. One of our values at Citywalk is “we are generous because we follow the most generous person in history.” Who is the person we follow, and how did He display generosity?

  5. Read Matthew 6:33 as a group. What might change in our life if we believed this fully?

citygroup discussion notes


Ruth 4


  1. What book have you read, or show have you watched that caught you off guard by the way it ended?

  2. Read Ruth 4:1-6 as a group. What stands out to you about Boaz and his actions in this situation?

  3. As you think about Boaz and his role in the story, what are ways he and Jesus are similar? Where do you see a picture of the Gospel (good news) in the story?

  4. What are a few things we can take away from the fact that Ruth and as a result, Jesus’ family tree is full of people who are far from perfect? How does that give us hope?

  5. Who is one person you know that needs to hear and embrace the good news? Close praying by name for them.

citygroup discussion notes


Ruth 3


  1. Pastor Chris mentioned the Citywalk Internship program and its focus on development. Over the years, what person or program has been helpful to you in your development?

  2. One of the themes of the story of Ruth is that small decisions have a big impact. Where have you seen this principle play out in your life?

  3. Read Hebrews 11:23-31 at a group. What are some of the decisions that people made in this passage that had an impact, which was probably bigger than they expected?

  4. Pastor Chris encouraged us to pray from a place of dependence. What does this mean and why is this sometimes challenging?

  5. Ruth walked towards opportunities in her life with humility and consistency. What can we learn from her as we consider opportunities in our own lives?

citygroup discussion notes


Ruth 2


  1. Reflecting on your daily routines, can you identify some seemingly ordinary decisions you make on a regular basis? How do these routines impact your life, even if you haven't thought much about them?

  2. How does the idea that God is in charge and in control of every aspect of our lives make you feel? Do you find it comforting or challenging? Why?

  3. Read James 4:13-15 as a group. What does this passage say that can help us steward the moments of our life well?

  4. Boaz's kindness and generosity towards Ruth serve as an example in the story. Have you ever experienced unexpected kindness from someone? How did it impact you, and did it influence your view of God?

  5. What is one way you can be faithful with the ordinary moments of life this week?

citygroup discussion notes


Ruth 1


  1. At the beginning of the message, Christmas movies were brought up. Share with the group what your favorite Christmas movie is and why.

  2. Read Ruth 1:1-2 together as a group. Elimelech made the decision to leave Bethlehem for Moab during a time of famine. What factors might have influenced his decision?

  3. How can we determine if an opportunity aligns with God’s best for our own lives? Do you have an example of saying no to an opportunity that was not God’s best? If so share with the group.

  4. Read Ruth 1:18-21 as a group. Describe Naomi’s emotional state during this time. Are there areas of your life that where you have had to obey God’s leading even when you didn’t feel like it? How did you navigate that tension?

  5. The story of Ruth shows us that God can take our bad decisions and use them for his purposes. How does knowing this affect your perspective on life’s challenges?

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  1. Think back to a time in your life when seeing someone serve someone else really impacted you. Share with the group.

  2. In Philippians 2, Paul encourages the readers to be unified. What is the difference between unity and uniformity?

  3. Read Philippians 2:3-4 as a group. What phrase stands out to you in this passage? Why is living this out difficult for us?

  4. Paul points us to Jesus’ example of humility. As you think about the unselfishness that Jesus displayed, what stands out to you about His life and sacrifice?

  5. What is one thing you can do this week to follow Jesus’ example of serving others? Be specific.

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  1. What is your pet peeve, the one thing that may not bother others but drives you crazy?

  2. People deal with anger in different ways. Some people blow up and others stew. How did the home you grew up in deal with anger? How has that affected you?

  3. Read Ephesians 4:26-32. Paul tells us to be angry and not sin. If you are a follower of Christ, you should be angry at things that would anger Jesus. What are some of those things? Instead of sinning how should we respond to these things?

  4. Verse 32 tells us to forgive one another. In this context, the word forgive means to pardon (you owe something but don’t have to pay it back). Why is pardoning someone so hard?

  5. How is God demonstrating his love and grace to us by encouraging us to forgive others?

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  1. When you walk into an ice cream shop with a ton of flavors, is it hard for you to decide? Do you have a go to flavor?

  2. The widow at Zarephath demonstrated remarkable faith by sharing her last resources with Elijah, resulting in God's miraculous provision. How does this story encourage you to trust in God's provision even in dire circumstances?

  3. Read 1 Kings 18:21 as a group. What are some of the reasons people waver between following and not following God?

  4. Read James 1:5-8 as a group. What are the benefits of believing God from this passage? What are the consequences for not?

  5. What one thing can you do this week to strengthen and live out your decision to believe God?

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  1. What movie have you watched that has inspired you?

  2. Read Judges 6:12-17 as a group. How were God’s view of Gideon and Gideon’s view of himself different? What beliefs did Gideon have that may have shaped his view?

  3. Before taking on the Midianite army, God gave Gideon the task of destroying an idol in the area. Why do you think God gives us smaller tasks in preparation for something bigger down the road? How have you seen this play out in your own life?

  4. Read Judges 7:2 as a group. What are the ramifications when we claim the glory for what God has done?

  5. When God calls us to a task, he promises to equip us. Close out your group tonight discussing the attributes of God.

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  1. Have you ever faced something that was out of your comfort zone, but you knew was good for you? Share with the group.

  2. Read Exodus 4:1-2 & 10-12 as a group. How did Moses respond to God’s call on his life? What can we learn from God’s response to Moses?

  3. After some initial excitement about being freed from Egypt, the Israelites came face to face with another obstacle (army behind them, red sea in front of them). Why do you think God allowed challenges in their journey to the Promised Land? Hint: Exodus 14:30-31

  4. Jesus’ death and resurrection provides freedom and breaks the chains of sin. Why do you think we, at times, volunteer to be enslaved when we don’t have to be?

  5. What is one lesson you can learn from the miracles in Moses’ life that will help you walk in freedom?

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  1. Chris mentioned it was his daughter’s birthday this week. What was your favorite birthday as a kid? Why was it your favorite?

  2. When Abraham was 75, God asked him to pick up his family and move to a place that was very unfamiliar to him. How was this first test of Abraham’s faith preparing him for his future?

  3. Can you think of situations in your life that you believe God used to prepare you for something He had for your future?

  4. Read Ephesians 2:4-10 as a group. How does this passage illustrate the fact that God sees, loves, and is for us?

  5. How can we apply what we learned from God’s work in Abraham’s life to our own lives?

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Letters from john

3 John


  1. What was your favorite part of starting a new school year as a kid?

  2. Who did you want to be like growing up that you may have tried to imitate?

  3. Read 3 John verse 11 together as a group. What are some of the negative things people imitate in our world today?

  4. Read Philippians 2:3-11 together as a group. What are the characteristics in this passage that we see in Jesus that are worthy of imitation?

  5. Pastor Chris said “We become what we behold”. What is one practical way you can spend more time this week beholding Jesus?

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Letters from john

2 John


  1. Chris talked about how much he enjoyed getting letters from his grandma. If you could get a letter from anyone in history (other than Jesus) who would it be?

  2. Read 2 John 1:1-2 together as a group. What word or phrase stands out to you? Why do you think John connects truth and love?

  3. John warned the reader of false teachers that were in her community. What specific false teaching was John referring to [vs 9]? Why do you think John was so straightforward with his warning?

  4. Pastor Chris said, “The way of Jesus is full of truth and love.” Think of what you know about Jesus from the scripture. How did He live this out?

  5. What is one practical way you can surround yourself with truth this week?


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Letters from john

1 John 2:1-14


  1. Do you have a book or show you are looking forward to reading or watching this summer? If so, share with the group.

  2. Whether in faith or another area of our life, what are some of the reasons we forget / don’t prioritize the basics or fundamentals?

  3. Read Ephesians 2:8-10 as a group. What are the basic truths that Paul reminds the readers of in this passage? Why are these important to remember?

  4. Read 1 John 2:9-11 as a group. What does John say is evidence of someone who walks in the light? List some ways you see this in the life of Jesus.

  5. What is one truth from God’s Word that probably isn’t new, but would be good for you to remember this week?


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Letters from john

1 John 1


  1. Chris mentioned meeting his favorite baseball player as a kid. Have you ever met a famous person? If so, share with the group.

  2. Read Matthew 4:18-22 as a group. What does Jesus ask these men to do? What stands out to you about their response?

  3. John was an eyewitness to Jesus’ life and ministry. If you could go back in time, what would you have wanted to see that John got to see Jesus do?

  4. Read 1 John 1:8-10 together as a group. What is sin? How do we say God is a liar if we deny our sin?

  5. What does it mean to confess sin? Why is this important?


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Psalms 90

Making Our Lives Count


  1. Do you ever get to travel for work or leisure? If so, what’s one place you’d recommend to others?

  2. Finish the sentence: According to society, success is __________; according to God, success is __________.

  3. Read Psalm 90:12 together. What is the specific prayer? Do you think most people do this and live this way? Why or why not?

  4. Now read Psalm 90:13-17. Name 4 or 5 things Moses was seeking from God. Why would these things help us make our lives count?

  5. How does God want you to make your life count?

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Psalms 139

Trust Follows Knowledge


  1. Have you ever been overwhelmed with something in your life until you learned more about it? If so, take a minute to share the situation with your group.

  2. Why does it seem so hard to trust people you don’t know well?

  3. Read Romans 10:13-17. What does verse 17 say about where trust comes from? How does this impact starting a relationship with God and growing our confidence in Him?

  4. Read Psalms 139:23-24 together. What stands out in this part of David’s prayer to God? What would stop someone from praying this to God?

  5. If knowing God leads to trusting him, what is one step you can take this week to know God better?

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  1. Did your family have any Mother’s Day traditions growing up? If so, share a few with your group.

  2. Hannah was insecure because she was unable to have children while others around her had several. Have you experienced a time that you were waiting on God for something?

  3. Read Romans 8:29 as a group. What is God’s goal for each of us? How could waiting on God help in this process?

  4. Read Proverbs 3:5-6 as a group. What do these verses say about God? What do they say about us?

  5. In the story of Hannah, how did she live out her trust in God? What is practical step we can take to build our trust in God this week?

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  1. In the introduction Sunday, Chris mentioned that during this time of year a lot of us go to end of the year school programs. Think back to when you were in school and share one play or music program you were in as a student.

  2. What are some of the specific ways our society deals with worry?

  3. Read Philippians 4:10-13 together as a group. Verse 13 is a very well-known verse. In context what is Paul saying in verse 13?

  4. Read Philippians 4:6-8 together as a group. What stands out to you in this passage? How does applying these verses help us accomplish verse 13?

  5. What is one practical step you can take this week to combat worry?

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  1. When you were younger what did you and your siblings or friends fight over most? How were you taught to handle that conflict?

  2. Why does the thought of forgiving others often provoke an emotional response? What are some of those emotions?

  3. What are some of the misconceptions our society and flesh tell us about forgiveness?

  4. Read Matthew 5:23-24 and Colossians 3:13. Why does forgiveness matter so much to God?

  5. If we choose to forgive, how will it impact our life? If we choose not to forgive, how will our life be impacted?

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  1. Chris talked about looking forward to going to his class at church as a kid. Growing up what were some of your favorite subjects to learn about?

  2. Some people are quick to believe something, and others are naturally more skeptical. Which would you say you are, and how does that impact your interaction with the Bible?

  3. Read 2 Timothy 3:13-17 together as a group. Who is writing this and who are they writing to? Is there anything special about the book of 2 Timothy? [need a hint: Read 4:6-8]

  4. What does Paul tell Timothy about what the scriptures do in verses 15-17? Have you experienced any of the things Paul mentions in your own life?

  5. What is one way you are leaning or could lean into the scriptures this week? Be specific.

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  1. Pastor Chris mentioned not wanting to sky dive. What is the scariest adventure/ride you have been on in your life?

  2. Read Nehemiah 10:30-31 together as a group. What specific commitments were the Jewish people making in these verses? What is the importance of these specific commitments as it relates to the spiritual health of the nation?

  3. Read Nehemiah 10:35-39 together as a group. Does God need the contributions of the Jewish people? Why is committing to give of their first and best important to the people’s relationship with God?

  4. James tells us that God’s Word is like a mirror. How is this significant to your personal walk with God?

  5. As you interact with God’s word, is there an area of your life that He is prompting you to take a step forward in? Close by praying for these.

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  1. Pastor Chris mentioned that whether we like it or not we are impacted by our parents. What is one example of something you do that you learned from your parents?

  2. Whether it is healthy or not what does culture tell us to do with our personal failures?

  3. Read Romans 3:23 as a group. What is offensive about this verse? Why do you think it is hard to admit that we sin? (Instead of calling it a mistake)

  4. Read 1 John 1:9 as a group. What does this verse say we should do? What does this verse say God does?

  5. One of Satan’s strategies is to isolate us and make us think we are the only one who struggles with sin. What one thing can you do to make sure this doesn’t happen to you?

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  1. Pastor Chris mentioned the opportunities we have to start fresh in our lives. What is one thing you have started in the last couple years? [job, hobby, etc.]

  2. Chapter 8 of Nehemiah picks up one week after the wall was completed. Try to put yourself into the Jewish people’s shoes. How would you have been feeling at this point?

  3. Read Nehemiah 8:8-9 as a group. What word or phrase stands out to you? Why do you think the people were emotional after understanding what God’s Word said?

  4. Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 as a group. What does Paul say about God’s Word? What is one reason we should be encouraged by what Paul says?

  5. Pastor Chris mentioned the importance of putting our YES on the table when we read God’s Word. What stops us from doing this?

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  1. Phrases like, "remember who you are" are universal to parenting. What other phrases did your parents say to you while growing up?

  2. Sanballat tried to throw Nehemiah's focus off from completing what God called him to. What things in life does the enemy use to throw off your focus?

  3. Read Nehemiah 6:3. Why was this such a great work, and why didn't Nehemiah want to take a break to meet Sanballat?

  4. As a group, discuss the things that you believe God has called you to focus on during this season of your life.

  5. What strategies such as "Recognize and Resist" help you maintain focus and consistency with the things God has called you to?

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  1. Pastor Chris mentioned some of his family’s plans for this summer. What are you looking forward to this summer?

  2. Read Nehemiah 5:1-5. What obstacles were the people facing? Why did it make them feel powerless?

  3. Read Nehemiah 5:9 & 15. In these verses the fear of God is mentioned twice. What does it mean to fear God?

  4. Read Proverbs 14:26-27. From these verses how does the fear of God impact our lives?

  5. The Bible is not primarily a self-help book, but it is a book that teaches us about God. What things do we know about God from the Bible?

  6. What is one practical thing you can do this week to know God better?

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  1. Pastor Chris talked about being encouraged to read the Bible when he was a child. What is your first memory of starting to interact with the Bible?

  2. Nehemiah 3 is a record of the people who helped rebuild the wall and the section of the wall they worked on. What do we learn about God because this is included in the scriptures? What does it tell us about ourselves?

  3. Read Nehemiah 4:1-3 together. What questions did the enemies of Nehemiah ask to discourage him and the Jewish people?

  4. What questions does the enemy use in our lives to try to discourage us from God’s plan for our lives?

  5. God is not looking for superstars. Instead He is looking for humble people who are willing to use their gifts to faithfully do their part. When this happens how does it impact a city? How does this impact a church?

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  1. Pastor Chris started his message by talking about a ride he recently went on at a water park. What is your favorite ride to go on?

  2. Read Nehemiah 2:9-10 together. Why do you think there were people that were against the Jewish people doing well?

  3. Instead of being like the enemies of the Jewish people, what are some of the good things we should want for other people even if they are not like us?

  4. Read Nehemiah 2:11-16 together. What did Nehemiah do when he reached Jerusalem? Are there leadership lessons we can learn from his example?

  5. We can seek approval from various people/places. How does the source of our approval impact how we deal with obstacles and critics?

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  1. Pastor Chris started his message by talking about how good teams are built by people that know their role and play it well. As you think back on your life, what is your favorite team you have been on? (sports, work, school, hobby)

  2. Read Nehemiah 2:1-2. Until this point, Nehemiah must have done a good job hiding how he was really feeling. Where in your life are you tempted to put on a fake happy face? Why do you think we do this?

  3. Read Nehemiah 2:4-8. When the king asked how he could help, Nehemiah gave him very specific answers. What can we learn from Nehemiah’s response that will help us be prepared when God opens a door in our life?

  4. God answered Nehemiah’s prayer in an incredible way. Can you share a time in your life where you saw God answer a specific prayer?

  5. God burdened Nehemiah’s heart, which led him to spend several months praying before anything changed. What can we learn from this about how God works in our lives?

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Prayer and Preparation


  1. Pastor Chris started his message talking about one of his favorite TV shows. If it’s time to watch your favorite show at home, what show are you turning on?

  2. Read Nehemiah 1:2-4 together as a group. What news did Nehemiah get from his brother? What specific ways did Nehemiah react to this news?

  3. When you receive bad news in your life, what are some of the ways you naturally react?

  4. Read Nehemiah 1:5-10 as a group. From these verses what do we learn about God? Why do you think the enemy tries so hard to feed us an inaccurate view of God?

  5. Is there a lie about God that you are tempted to believe? Finish by listing some of the things that are true about God that we can remember to combat the lies.

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Why The Church?


  1. Think back to when you were a kid, whether it was a big part of your life or not, what was your first memory of church?

  2. Put yourself in the shoes of Jesus’ closest followers. What do you think they were feeling the day that Jesus died?

  3. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 as a group. Where do you see the Gospel in this passage? Who does Paul say Jesus appeared to when he rose from the dead?

  4. When Jesus spoke about the church, he was not talking about a building. What was he referring to? What is one way the church, as defined by Jesus, can follow his example in its community?

  5. Sunday, Pastor Chris, laid out 2 opportunities we are moving towards. What were those two opportunities? As you close in prayer take time to bring the 2 opportunities to God and ask for his wisdom and provision for our church in this season.

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Love Your Enemies


  1. When is it ok to put up Christmas decorations and begin listening to Christmas music in your house?

  2. What does culture tell us about how to treat people who are our enemies?

  3. Read Matthew 5:43-45 as a group. List some of the ways God shows goodness to people that reject him.

  4. Read Philippians 2:13 together as a group. Why is this verse important if we are going to love our enemies? What is important about how this verse ends?

  5. What is one practical way you can follow Jesus’ example of loving and praying for your enemies?

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Lead From The Bottom


  1. Can you remember one of the first times you were put in charge of something? How did you do? How did being in charge feel?

  2. Read Mark 10:35-37 as a group. What do you think James and John ultimately wanted by the question they asked? How are we like them?

  3. Read John 10:42-45 as a group. How is Jesus’ definition of greatness different from the worlds?

  4. Can you think of an example of someone who has modeled servant leadership in your life over the years? Share with the group why that person comes to mind.

  5. What is one practical way you can leverage your life and influence for the good of others?


1.  Religious tradition is very powerful and has an affect on our preferences. If you grew up in church what part did baptism play in it? Was it a big deal and if so why?

2.  Pastor Chris said “Baptism is not a condition for salvation but an evidence of salvation”. Read Ephesians 2:8-10 as a group. What part do we play in salvation? What part do good works (like baptism) play?

3.  Read Acts 16:22-33 as a group. What stands out to you about Paul’s response to the jailer’s question in verse 30? What past did baptism play that evening?

4.  Why is baptism such a big deal if it has nothing to do with salvation? How is it powerful  for the person being baptized, For the long time follower of Jesus watching, For the person who is investigating faith watching?

5.  What do you think stops people who are following Jesus from being baptized?

6.  Take time to thank God for those who went public with their faith this past weekend.



Identification is powerful. If you are a follower of Jesus one of the greatest steps, you can take is to publicly identify as his follower by being baptized. You will never regret following Jesus’s example and being baptized.